Drainage Trenches

trincheras drenantes

Drainage Trenches

Drainage Trenches
Drainage geocomposites are commonly utilized for the construction of drainage trenches which are the principal component of an ample variety of subdrainagesystems.

Drainage trenches are excavated in the soil, and a drainage geocomposite strip with a perforated pipe attached to its lower part is placed into the trench, filling the trech back again with the same excavated soil. The drainage geocomposite’s main function in the system is to collect water from the saturated soil providing filtration to prevent erosion from the surrounding soil. Collected water is then conducted to a main drainage system through the perforated pipe below.

The utilization of a drainage geocomposite replaces the installation of gravel and geotextile into the trench to provide a more efficient, economical and rapid solution for the construction of subdrainage systems.

One of the most common applications is in roadway construction. When there is a possibility of a lateral water infiltration to the aggregate layers, pavement design most include a subdrainage system capable of draining water from the saturated soil to protect the pavement structure. This subdrainage system consists of drainage trenches along the edges of the highway which collect and conduct water from the saturated soil besides the structure to a main drainage system.

Other common application is in sports field construction of low absorption characteristics soils, where the subdrainage system has to be capable of draining rain water collected in the field. This subdrainage system consists of a series of draining trenches excavated along the field surface which collect and conduct water from the saturated soil to a main drainage system, in order to prevent water accumulation on the field.