Advantages of HDPE Pipes Over Other Pipes

Characteritic Properties HDPE METAL PVC

HDPE pipes are flexible hence best suited for lying in hilly and uneven terrain. Flexibility allows simple handling and installation.

Metal pipes are rigid. Any small curvature and unclear surface has to be connected with additional joints.

Very little flexibility.

Normally considered rigid.

Light in weight

Because of low density, Pipes are very light in weight. Due to light in weight, they are easy for handling, reduce transportation and installation costs.


Very heavy as compared to HDPE pipes, due to which installation and transportation is difficult.


Light in weight, but due to brittleness, handling has to be done with more care.

Chemical/Corrosion Resistant

HDPE pipes are non corrosive (Metallic/Microbic). These pipes have a good resistance to acids and alkaline.

Metal pipes are corrosive in nature and require inner lining if used for transportation of corrosive media.

Chemical resistance is not as good as HDPE pipes.


HDPE pipes have excellent weldability. The butt fusion and electrofusion are very simple and most reliable welding techniques used.

Additional accessories are required for welding hence high cost association.

No weldability.

Coefficient of friction/smooth surface inside

Inside surface is very smooth due to which pressure losses are minimal. No scale formation.

Internal surfaces are not as smooth, due to which pressure losses are possible. Chances of scale formation.

Internal surface is smooth.

HDPE Pipe Installation


HDPE Pipe Installation

hdpe pipe instalation
In Omali S.A. we have extensive experience in the installation of polyethylene pipe; over 40 kilometers of pipe fusion and over 10 kilometers of pipe installation using horizontal directional drilling, make us the leader in polyethylene pipe in Guatemala. The main advantage of this pipe over other options is that the connections made (Thermofusion) are the strongest part of the tube.

We invite you to visit the page of our pipe installation division using horizontal directional drilling.